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Bedankt voor je bezoek aan ICT4Care!

Bedankt voor je bezoek aan onze stand op de ICT4Care beurs....
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Third-party risk management in 5 Steps

In today’s digital world, where companies are increasingly dependent on external parties, third-party risk management is essential. Especially for subject NIS2 companies, which face stringent security requirements, a solid third-party...
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What is a third-party risk, and why should it be a concern for supply chain security threats in non-subjected companies?

Protect your digital future and win the trust of NIS2-compliant partners. Download our whitepaper for insights on supply chain security threats....
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Third-Party Risks: Top 5 Risks in Your Supply Chain

In the modern business world, collaboration between companies is inevitable, but these connections can create unintended risks. Whether you are a NIS2-covered company or not, it is crucial to understand...
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Supply chain cybersecurity: relevance of third-party risk

Discover why third-party risk should be a concern for NIS2-compliant companies. Download our whitepaper for practical insights on supply chain cybersecurity....
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Webinar – De NIS2 directive en wat het voor jouw organisatie betekent!

NIS 2? Uptime Security helpt je begrijpen wat het precies voor uw organisatie betekent en hoe u de naleving van de richtlijn kunt aanpakken voordat deze in oktober 2024 van...
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Hacking is very easy…

Hackers are increasingly inventive and their methods are often simpler than you might think. Open-source packages help hackers get better, and they make attacks spotty and cheap to execute. With...
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How well protected against cyber crime is your organization?

Cyber Security – Where should you begin? What should you focus on? And what are you already doing to protect yourself? Grab our free checklist by the hand and discover...
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Cybersecurity challenge: training instead of magic

Facing the cybersecurity challenge requires proactive training and collaboration, not just relying on magic. Learn about the complexities of protecting data....
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Cyber security in healthcare: why is the sector at risk?

In recent years, cyber security has become increasingly important for healthcare organizations all over the world. As the industry undergoes intensive digitization, there is a growing need to ensure continuity...
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