Download – Reliable guidance for supply chain cybersecurity and NIS2 compliance

You can download our whitepaper ‘Reliable guidance for supply chain cybersecurity and NIS2 compliance’ below:

What can you expect?

  • Cybersecurity Strategies for NIS2-Compliant Businesses: Navigating the Third-Party Challenge.
  • Introduction
  • Aspects & approach
  • Risks from third parties
  • Examples of topical attacks
  • Third party risk management
  • How Bow Tie Security can help
  • Take action: get your instant third party risk report

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More insights

What is a third-party risk, and why should it be a concern for supply chain security threats in non-subjected companies?

Protect your digital future and win the trust of NIS2-compliant partners. Download our whitepaper for insights on supply chain security threats....
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Cybersecurity challenge: training instead of magic

Facing the cybersecurity challenge requires proactive training and collaboration, not just relying on magic. Learn about the complexities of protecting data....
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Third-party risk management in 5 Steps

In today’s digital world, where companies are increasingly dependent on external parties, third-party risk management is essential. Especially for subject NIS2 companies, which face stringent security requirements, a solid third-party...
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